

Wall Street

Tour includes a one and a half hour walk to learn about the earliest Muslims in New York City, from African enslavement in Dutch New Amsterdam, to a Sudanese missionary, and a forgotten Young Turk mosque. We begin in the plaza south of Bowling Green Park, right outside the 4/5 Bowling Green subway station and in front of the National Museum of the American Indian, rain or shine.


Tour includes a two and a half hours walk to revisit important historical moments in situ and bring new eyes to local architecture, focused mostly on the early 20th century to today. The tour brings to life interracial histories of labor movements, halal food, anti-colonialism, and the prolific life of el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz (Malcolm X). We begin at the Adam Clayton Powell Statue at 125th Street and Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Blvd, rain or shine.